How to Throw a Forehand in Disc Golf? Mastering The Game!

A disc golf player preparing to throw a forehand shot, with focus on the proper grip and release technique.

Learning how to throw a forehand in disc golf is essential for navigating obstacles and changing the flight direction of the disc. It is a popular throwing technique that can greatly enhance your skills and give you more options on the course. In this article, I will explore the proper grip, reach back, footwork, and tips for improving your forehand throw.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering the forehand throw is crucial for enhancing your disc golf skills and navigating obstacles.
  • The proper grip is essential for control and consistency in a forehand throw.
  • Practice the correct reach back motion to ensure a smooth and accurate forehand throw.
  • Focus on proper footwork to generate power and accuracy in a forehand throw.
  • Improving your forehand throw requires consistent practice and focus on balance, control, speed, power, and follow-through.

The Proper Grip for a Forehand Disc Golf Throw

The grip is a fundamental aspect of a successful forehand throw in disc golf. It provides the foundation for control and accuracy during the throw. There are different types of grips that players can choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to experiment with different grips and find the one that feels comfortable and allows for consistent throws.

One popular grip is the stacked grip, where the index finger and middle finger are stacked on top of each other along the rim of the disc. This grip provides a secure hold and allows for increased power and control. Another common grip is the forehand power grip, where the disc is held firmly with the thumb on top and the fingers wrapped around the rim.

This grip offers stability and a strong release. Lastly, the forehand fan grip involves spreading the fingers across the rim, creating a fan-like shape. This grip allows for increased wrist flexibility and snap.

When selecting the grip that works best for you, consider factors such as hand size, comfort, and personal preference. It is important to find a grip that feels natural and allows for a consistent release and flight path. Practice with different grips and make adjustments as needed to improve your forehand throw in disc golf.

The Proper Grip for a Forehand Disc Golf Throw

Grip TypeDescription
Stacked GripThe index finger and middle finger are stacked on top of each other along the rim of the disc.
Forehand Power GripThe disc is held firmly with the thumb on top and the fingers wrapped around the rim.
Forehand Fan GripThe fingers are spread across the rim, creating a fan-like shape.

Finding the right grip is crucial for a successful forehand throw in disc golf. Experiment with different grips and choose the one that feels comfortable and provides control and consistency.”

The Proper Reach Back for a Forehand Disc Golf Throw

The reach back is a crucial component of a successful forehand throw in disc golf. Unlike a backhand throw, the reach back in a forehand throw is a non-linear motion. The elbow is bent, and the disc is positioned in the webbing between the thumb and pointer finger. The wrist should be active during the throw to generate power and spin.

By practicing and perfecting the proper reach back, you can ensure a smooth and accurate forehand throw. Focus on keeping your arm close to your body and pulling the disc across your chest during the reach back. This will help generate torque and create the desired flight path for the disc. Remember to maintain a relaxed grip on the disc throughout the motion.

It’s important to note that the reach back is just one element of a successful forehand throw. The grip, footwork, and follow-through also play crucial roles in executing a powerful and accurate throw. By combining all these elements and practicing regularly, you can improve your forehand throw and become a more versatile disc golfer.

Footwork in a Forehand Disc Golf Throw

Proper footwork plays a crucial role in executing a powerful and accurate forehand throw in disc golf. It is essential to have a well-coordinated footwork technique that allows for optimal weight transfer and balance throughout the throw. Here are some key aspects to consider when working on your footwork in a forehand disc golf throw:

1. Step Forward and Foot Placement

The footwork starts with a step forward with the right foot (for right-handed throwers), followed by a step with the left foot at a 90-degree angle to the target. The right foot then pushes off the ground, initiating the throw. It is important to maintain a solid base and avoid overstriding, as it can lead to loss of power and accuracy.

2. Hip and Shoulder Alignment

As you prepare to release the disc, your hips should face the direction of the throw. This allows for a fluid motion and proper transfer of power from the lower body to the upper body. Additionally, aligning your shoulders with the target will help ensure a more accurate throw and prevent any unwanted twisting or turning motion.

3. Weight Transfer and Follow-through

As the disc is brought across the body during the throw, the weight should transfer from the back leg to the front leg. This weight transfer generates power and adds distance to the throw. To maximize this transfer, focus on driving your hips forward and maintaining a balanced stance throughout the throw. Additionally, a smooth and controlled follow-through is essential to complete the throw and maintain accuracy.

By practicing and refining your footwork technique, you can improve the power, accuracy, and consistency of your forehand throw in disc golf. It is important to note that each player may have slight variations in their footwork, so find a technique that feels comfortable and allows you to generate maximum power and control. Experiment with different drills and exercises to further enhance your footwork and take your forehand throw to the next level.

Around-the-World DrillStand in an open area and practice throwing forehand shots in a circular motion, gradually increasing the distance with each throw. This drill helps improve footwork, balance, and consistency.
Pivot DrillSet up a target and practice pivoting on your front foot while maintaining balance and control. Focus on generating power and accuracy through proper weight transfer and footwork.
One-step DrillStart with a short run-up and focus on executing a powerful and controlled forehand throw. This drill helps develop timing, coordination, and the ability to generate power from a minimal footwork approach.

Tips to Improve Your Forehand Throw in Disc Golf

Mastering the forehand throw in disc golf takes time and practice. Here are some tips to help you improve your technique and take your forehand throw to the next level:

  1. Focus on balance and control: Maintaining a balanced stance throughout your throw is crucial for accuracy and power. Practice staying centered and keeping your weight evenly distributed.
  2. Work on speed and power: The key to a powerful forehand throw is generating speed from your arm and wrist. Focus on snapping your wrist at the release point to add extra spin and distance to your throws.
  3. Follow through: Don’t neglect the importance of a proper follow-through. After releasing the disc, continue your arm motion in the direction of the throw to maximize power and control.
  4. Experiment with different discs: Not all discs are created equal when it comes to forehand throws. Try out different discs to find ones that feel comfortable in your hand and offer the desired flight path.

Remember, improving your forehand throw takes time and patience. Practice regularly and don’t be afraid to seek feedback from more experienced players. With dedication and practice, you’ll see progress and become a more well-rounded disc golfer.

Forehand disc golf tips.

Expert Tip:

“One common mistake in forehand throws is gripping the disc too tightly. Try to find a balance between a firm grip and allowing the disc to rip out smoothly. Experiment with different grips and find what works best for you.” – Nate Sexton

Forehand Throw Tips Summary:

Find balance and controlMaintain a balanced stance and evenly distribute your weight.
Focus on speed and powerGenerate speed and snap your wrist at the release point for added distance.
Follow throughContinue your arm motion after the release to maximize power and control.
Experiment with different discsTry out different discs to find ones that suit your throwing style.

Forehand Disc Golf vs. Backhand Disc Golf

When it comes to disc golf throws, players have the option to utilize either the forehand or backhand technique. Both throws have their advantages and it’s important for players to understand the differences to make an informed choice on the course.

The forehand throw, also known as a sidearm throw, involves gripping the disc with the palm facing upwards and throwing it with a flick of the wrist. This technique is favored by many players for its accuracy and ability to navigate tight fairways and obstacles. The forehand throw allows for a natural fade to the right for right-handed players, making it ideal for shots that require a right-to-left flight path or finishing to the left of the target.

On the other hand, the backhand throw is the more traditional throwing technique in disc golf. It involves gripping the disc with the back of the hand facing forward and releasing it with a pulling motion across the body. The backhand throw allows for greater distance and control, making it the preferred choice for long drives and shots that require a left-to-right flight path for right-handed players.

Both throwing techniques have their merits, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference and the specific circumstances on the course. Some players feel more comfortable and confident with the forehand throw due to its accuracy and ability to navigate obstacles. Others prefer the power and control of the backhand throw for long distance shots.

To become a well-rounded disc golfer, it’s beneficial to develop proficiency in both the forehand and backhand techniques. By practicing and mastering both throws, players can have a versatile arsenal of shots at their disposal and adapt to various game situations. It’s important to experiment with different discs and grips to find what works best for each individual’s throwing style.

Selecting the Right Disc for a Forehand Throw in Disc Golf

When it comes to disc golf throwing techniques, selecting the right disc for a forehand throw is crucial for achieving the desired flight. Different discs have varying stability and flight characteristics, and choosing the right one can greatly impact your throw. Here are some important factors to consider when selecting a disc for your forehand throw:

  1. Stability: Understanding the stability of a disc is key. Overstable discs tend to fade left for right-handed throwers, while understable discs have a natural tendency to turn right. For forehand throws, it is generally recommended to start with understable discs as they allow for better angle control.
  2. Plastic Type: The type of plastic used in a disc can also affect its flight characteristics. Premium plastics tend to be more durable and offer better consistency, while baseline plastics may offer more grip. Experiment with different plastic types to find the one that suits your grip and throwing style.
  3. Weight: The weight of a disc can impact its stability and the amount of power required to throw it. Lighter discs tend to be more understable and require less power, while heavier discs are generally more stable and require more power to achieve distance.
  4. Rim Design: The design of the rim can also influence your grip and the comfort of the disc in your hand. Some players prefer discs with a shallower rim for a better grip, while others prefer a deeper rim for added stability.

It’s important to note that disc selection is a personal preference, and what works for one player may not work for another. Experimenting with different discs and seeking guidance from experienced players can help you find the right disc for your forehand throw in disc golf.

Here is a comparison table showcasing the key characteristics of different disc types:

Disc TypeStabilityPlastic TypeWeight RangeRim Design
UnderstableNaturally turns right for right-handed throwersVariety of plastics availableLighter weights for more controlMay have a shallower rim for better grip
OverstableTends to fade left for right-handed throwersVariety of plastics availableHeavier weights for added stabilityMay have a deeper rim for increased stability

Remember, disc golf forehand disc selection is a process of trial and error. Take the time to test different discs, understand their flight characteristics, and find the ones that work best for your forehand throw. With practice and the right disc, you can enhance your disc golf game and achieve the desired flight for your throws.

Disc golf disc selection.

Eagle McMahon’s Tips for a Powerful Forehand Throw

Eagle McMahon, a professional disc golfer known for his powerful forehand throw, shares valuable insights and tips for improving your forehand disc golf technique. By incorporating these tips into your practice, you can develop a more accurate and powerful forehand throw.

Eagle McMahon’s Forehand Grip:

According to McMahon, the grip is a crucial element of a successful forehand throw. He recommends using the stacked grip, where the middle finger is pressed against the rim of the disc, providing stability and control. The index and ring fingers should be stacked on top of the middle finger, while the pinky finger rests comfortably on the rim. This grip allows for a solid release and maximum leverage during the throw.

Non-Linear Reach Back:

McMahon emphasizes the importance of the non-linear reach back in a forehand throw. Instead of reaching back in a straight line, he suggests bending the elbow and bringing the disc towards the opposite hip. This motion creates torque and allows for greater power generation. As you bring the disc forward, focus on snapping your wrist to add spin and accuracy to the throw.

Utilize Levers and Hip Rotation:

One of McMahon’s key tips is to use the levers of the wrist, elbow, and hip during the forehand throw. By engaging these levers in a coordinated manner, you can control the angles and release points of the disc. Additionally, McMahon advises incorporating hip rotation into your throw. As you execute the throw, rotate your hips towards the target, transferring power from your lower body to your upper body and generating more distance.

“The key to a powerful forehand throw is a combination of a solid grip, non-linear reach back, and the utilization of levers. Practice these elements consistently to improve your forehand technique and add distance to your throws.” – Eagle McMahon

Forehand Technique TipsKey Takeaways
Use the stacked grip, with the middle finger pressed against the rim of the disc.Provides stability and control during the throw.
Employ a non-linear reach back, bending the elbow and pulling the disc towards the opposite hip.Generates torque and power for a more effective throw.
Engage the levers of the wrist, elbow, and hip to control angles and release points.Allows for greater accuracy and distance in the throw.
Incorporate hip rotation during the throw to transfer power from the lower body to the upper body.Increases distance and adds fluidity to the throw.

Scott Stokely’s Forehand Technique Tips

When it comes to mastering the forehand throw in disc golf, Scott Stokely’s technique tips are invaluable. Stokely, known for his distance forehand shots, emphasizes key aspects that can help improve your game. One of his main points is the importance of generating enough spin. Stokely suggests snapping the wrist like a towel to create maximum spin, which can increase the stability and accuracy of your throws.

Stokely also highlights the significance of leading with the elbow in a forehand throw. By initiating the throw with the elbow, you can generate more power and control over the disc’s flight path. This technique allows for a smooth and efficient release, resulting in longer and more accurate shots. Take the time to practice leading with your elbow to improve your forehand technique.

Another valuable tip from Stokely is to focus on the follow-through of your throw. Contrary to a common misconception, Stokely advises not fully following through. Instead, he suggests stopping the motion once the disc is released. This technique helps maintain accuracy and control while preventing unnecessary strain on your arm and wrist. Experiment with different levels of follow-through to find what works best for your throw.

Forehand Technique Tips from Scott Stokely
Generate enough spin
Lead with the elbow
Avoid fully following through
Disc golf forehand technique.

Scott Stokely’s tips for forehand technique can greatly enhance your disc golf game. By incorporating his advice on spin, elbow positioning, and follow-through, you can improve the accuracy, distance, and consistency of your forehand throws. Remember to practice these techniques regularly to refine your skills and become a better disc golfer.

Nate Sexton’s Approach to the Forehand Game in Disc Golf

When it comes to the forehand game in disc golf, Nate Sexton has proven himself as one of the best in the sport. His technique and approach have made him a formidable competitor on the course. In this section, we will delve into Sexton’s tips and insights, offering you valuable guidance to enhance your own forehand throw.

Technical Focus and Grip

Sexton emphasizes the importance of finding a grip that feels comfortable and provides control during the forehand throw. He suggests experimenting with different grips to find the one that works best for you. One grip he recommends is the power grip, where the disc is held between the thumb and the first two fingers, allowing for greater control and power.

Run-Up and Reach Back

Another key aspect of Sexton’s approach is the run-up and reach back. He highlights the importance of a smooth and controlled run-up to generate the necessary power for a strong forehand throw. Additionally, Sexton emphasizes the non-linear reach back, ensuring the disc is positioned correctly in the hand for optimal release.

Wrist Speed and Follow-Through

Sexton places particular emphasis on wrist speed and follow-through in the forehand throw. He advises players to focus on accelerating the disc through the release and snapping the wrist at the right moment to generate maximum spin and power. Additionally, Sexton encourages a controlled follow-through, avoiding over-rotation to maintain accuracy and balance.

Key Takeaways from Nate Sexton’s Approach
Experiment with different grip styles to find what works best for you.
Focus on a smooth and controlled run-up to generate power.
Ensure a non-linear reach back to position the disc correctly for optimal release.
Emphasize wrist speed and a controlled follow-through for maximum spin and accuracy.

By incorporating Nate Sexton’s approach to the forehand game in disc golf, you can develop a more powerful and accurate throw. Experiment with different grips, refine your run-up, and focus on wrist speed and follow-through. With practice and dedication, you can elevate your forehand game and become a more versatile and successful disc golfer.


In conclusion, mastering the forehand throw in disc golf is a valuable skill that can elevate your game to new heights. By following the proper grip, reach back, and footwork techniques, you can improve your forehand throw and gain more control and accuracy on the course.

Remember to experiment with different grips to find the one that suits you best, and practice the non-linear reach back motion to generate power and spin. Focus on your footwork to generate maximum power and ensure proper weight transfer for a smooth throw.

Additionally, take advantage of expert tips from players like Eagle McMahon, Scott Stokely, and Nate Sexton. Their insights and recommendations can help you refine your technique and add versatility to your forehand game.

Keep in mind that mastering the forehand throw takes time and dedication. Practice consistently and continue to refine your technique to become a well-rounded disc golfer. With perseverance and the right techniques, you’ll soon be throwing powerful forehand shots with confidence.


What is the proper grip for a forehand disc golf throw?

The proper grip for a forehand disc golf throw can vary, but popular options include the stacked grip, forehand power grip, and forehand fan grip. Experiment with different grips to find one that feels comfortable and provides control and consistency.

How should I execute the reach back in a forehand throw?

The reach back in a forehand throw is different from a backhand throw. It involves a non-linear motion with the elbow bent and the disc positioned in the webbing between the thumb and pointer finger. Keep the wrist active during the throw to generate power and spin.

What footwork should I use for a forehand disc golf throw?

Proper footwork is essential for a forehand disc golf throw. It starts with a step forward with the right foot, followed by a step with the left foot at a 90-degree angle. The right foot then pushes off to initiate the throw. As the disc is brought across the body, the weight should transfer from the back leg to the front leg.

How can I improve my forehand throw in disc golf?

To improve your forehand throw, focus on developing balance, control, speed, power, and follow-through. Start with shorter shots using midrange or putters to practice the different movements. Maintain a firm grip on the disc, generate spin and rotation, and practice consistently.

Should I use a forehand or backhand throw in disc golf?

Both the forehand and backhand throws have their advantages in disc golf. It’s important to develop proficiency in both techniques as they can be useful in different game situations. The choice of which throw to use depends on your personal preference and the specific circumstances on the course.

How do I choose the right disc for a forehand throw in disc golf?

When learning the forehand throw, it’s recommended to start with understable discs as they allow for better angle control. As you gain experience and skill, you can gradually transition to more stable discs. Experiment with different discs to find the ones that work best for your throw.

What are some tips from experts on improving the forehand throw?

Eagle McMahon suggests focusing on grip, reach back, footwork, and wrist snap. Scott Stokely emphasizes generating spin, leading with the elbow, and not fully following through. Nate Sexton highlights the importance of a comfortable grip, proper run-up, reach back, and wrist speed.

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  • Enzo S

    Welcome to Disc Flight Pro, your destination for expert disc golf insights. I'm Enzo S, a devoted disc golfer with a deep-rooted passion for the sport. My journey into the world of disc golf started in 2015, and over the years, I've honed my skills and knowledge. I'm here to share my experience and help you unlock your full disc golf potential.

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