How to Putt Disc Golf Effectively? Mastering The Basics!

A blue disc golf basket.

To master the game of disc golf, honing your putting skills is key. Wondering how to putt disc golf effectively? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll delve into a range of disc golf putting techniques, offering valuable tips and strategies.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these insights will elevate your putting game, positively impacting your overall disc golf performance. Let’s explore the secrets to effective putting in the world of disc golf.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the importance of mastering disc golf putting techniques to improve your overall performance.
  • Implement the “handshake” technique to achieve a correct finishing position and enhance accuracy.
  • Choose a disc golf putter that feels comfortable in your hand and aligns with your preferred putting style.
  • Experiment with different stances and find the one that allows you to consistently execute your putts.
  • Explore different putting styles, such as the spin putt, push putt, and spush putt, to find what works best for you.

The Handshake: A Game-Changing Putting Tip

One valuable disc golf putting tip is known as the “handshake.” This simple technique emphasizes the correct finishing position of your hand after releasing the disc. To execute the handshake, keep your arm straight during the putt and finish by extending your hand towards the basket, as if you were shaking hands with it. This ensures a smooth follow-through and enhances accuracy. Implementing the handshake technique can have an immediate positive impact on your putting game.

disc golf putting tip

The handshake technique allows for a clean and controlled release of the disc, reducing the chance of errant putts. By extending your hand towards the basket, you create a visual target and improve your ability to focus on a specific point. This increased focus helps you maintain a consistent line and trajectory, improving your chances of sinking putts. Additionally, the handshake position encourages a natural follow-through, reducing any unnecessary wrist flicking or jerking motions that can adversely affect your putting form.

Correct putting form is crucial for consistent and accurate putts. The handshake technique helps you develop a reliable and repeatable motion by providing a clear point of reference for your hand placement and release. Practice incorporating the handshake into your putting routine to reinforce muscle memory and develop a fluid putting stroke. Over time, this technique will become second nature, leading to improved confidence and better putting performance.

Love Your Putter: Choosing the Right Disc

When it comes to disc golf putting, selecting the right putter can make a significant difference in your performance. The right disc will not only feel comfortable in your hand but also align with your putting style. There are various disc golf putter types available, each with its unique characteristics and advantages.

To find the perfect putter for you, it’s essential to experiment with different options. Popular disc golf putters include the Innova Aviar, Westside Discs Harp, and Dynamic Discs Judge. Each of these putters offers different flight characteristics, plastic blends, and grip options. Take the time to test different putters and see which ones provide the best grip and feel in your hand.

Additionally, consider the weight of the disc and the stability you prefer in a putter. Lighter discs may provide more glide, while heavier ones can handle wind better. Finding a putter that you love and feel confident with is crucial for consistent and accurate putts. Take the time to explore the available options and choose a putter that suits your preferences and style of play.

disc golf putters

Table: Comparison of Disc Golf Putter Types

Putter TypeFlight CharacteristicsPopular Disc Models
OverstableMore fade at the end of the flightDynamic Discs Judge, Innova Rhyno
StraightMinimal fade, straight flight pathInnova Aviar, Discraft Magnet
UnderstableLess fade, tends to turn right for right-handed playersLatitude 64 Pure, Westside Discs Swan 1 Reborn

Remember, the right disc golf putter can greatly enhance your putting performance. Spend time testing different putters and exploring their flight characteristics to find the one that feels perfect for you. Having confidence in your putter will lead to more accurate and successful putts on the course.

Perfecting Your Stance for Optimal Putting

Your putting stance is a crucial component of achieving consistency and accuracy in disc golf. There are two popular stances used by professional players: the offset stance and the inline stance. The offset stance involves offsetting your feet, with one foot slightly behind and one foot in front. The front foot should be on the same side as your throwing arm. This stance provides stability and balance, allowing for a smooth and controlled putting motion.

The inline stance, on the other hand, aligns your feet with each other, with a slight bend in the knees. This stance emphasizes a more upright and centered position, enabling better weight transfer during the putt. Some players prefer the inline stance for its simplicity and consistent form.

Offset StanceInline Stance
One foot slightly behind the otherFeet aligned with each other
Front foot on the same side as throwing armSlight bend in the knees
Provides stability and balanceEmphasizes upright and centered position

When choosing a putting stance, it’s important to find one that feels comfortable and allows you to consistently execute your putts. Experiment with both the offset and inline stances to determine which one suits your body mechanics and preferences. Remember, the key is to find a stance that provides stability, balance, and allows for a smooth, controlled putting motion.

Finding Your Putting Style: Spin, Push, or Spush?

When it comes to disc golf putting, there are three main putting styles that players commonly employ: the spin putt, the push putt, and the spush putt. Each style has its own unique characteristics and can be effective depending on the player’s preferences and the situation at hand.

The spin putt involves utilizing wrist action and spin to propel the disc towards the basket. This style is known for its power and distance potential, as the spin generated provides extra momentum to the disc. Players who prefer a spin putt often excel at longer distances and windy conditions.

On the other hand, the push putt focuses on minimal spin and emphasizes a straight-line throw using finger and hip flicking. This style prioritizes accuracy and control over distance. Push putters rely on a smooth and fluid motion to ensure a consistent line and release, particularly for shorter putts.

Lastly, the spush putt is a hybrid style that combines elements of both the spin and push putt. Spush putters aim to find a balance between power and accuracy, utilizing a slight wrist flick while maintaining a straight-line trajectory. This style offers versatility, allowing players to adapt to different distances and conditions.

Ultimately, the choice of putting style is subjective and depends on individual preferences and playing style. Some players may opt for the power and distance of a spin putt, while others prefer the accuracy and control of a push putt. Experiment with each style, practice extensively, and assess which one feels the most natural and effective for your game.

A disc golfer putting.
Putting StyleCharacteristics
Spin PuttPowerful, utilizes wrist action and spin for distance
Push PuttStraight-line throw, minimal spin for accuracy
Spush PuttHybrid style combining power and accuracy

Each putting style has its own unique advantages, and it’s essential to find the one that suits you best. Remember, consistent practice and experimentation will help you refine your technique and become a more confident putter on the disc golf course.

Solidify Your Grip for Consistent Putts

One of the fundamental aspects of mastering disc golf putting is developing a solid grip. A proper grip technique is essential for maintaining control and consistency in your putts. The way you hold the disc can greatly impact your release and accuracy. Let’s explore some key considerations for achieving a comfortable and effective grip.

First and foremost, make sure the disc is placed in the heel of your hand, with your thumb on top and three or four fingers underneath. This grip provides stability and control during the throwing motion. Experiment with the finger placement on the rim to find the grip that feels the most secure and natural to you. Some players prefer a fan grip, while others may opt for a power grip.

It’s important to find a comfortable grip that allows you to maintain a consistent release. Avoid gripping the disc too tightly, as this can create tension in your hand and arm, leading to a less fluid throwing motion. Instead, aim for a firm yet relaxed grip that enables a smooth and controlled release. Finding the right balance of grip pressure is crucial for achieving accurate and consistent putts.

To further enhance your grip, consider using disc golf gloves or grip-enhancing products. These can provide additional traction and reduce the chance of the disc slipping out of your hand during the throw. Experiment with different options to find what works best for you and helps you maintain a secure grip throughout your putting motion.

The Importance of a Comfortable Grip

Having a comfortable grip is essential for confidence and consistency in your putting game. It allows you to focus on the line and speed of your putts without worrying about the disc slipping or losing control. When your grip feels secure and natural, you can execute your putting technique more effectively and increase your chances of sinking those important putts.

Key Points

  • Place the disc in the heel of your hand, with your thumb on top and three or four fingers underneath.
  • Experiment with finger placement on the rim to find a grip that feels secure and natural to you.
  • Aim for a firm yet relaxed grip to maintain control and achieve a smooth release.
  • Consider using disc golf gloves or grip-enhancing products for added traction and security.

Table: Comparing Different Putting Grip Styles

Grip StyleDescription
Fan GripA grip where the fingers are spread out across the rim, providing a wider grip surface area.
Power GripA grip where the fingers are stacked together, creating a tighter grip for more control and power.
Claw GripA grip where the index finger is extended along the rim, providing added stability and control.

Having a solid grip is the foundation of a successful putting game. It is crucial to find a grip that feels comfortable and secure in your hand. Experiment with different grip styles and techniques to discover what works best for you. Remember, a confident and consistent grip can greatly enhance your overall disc golf performance.

Engage Your Whole Body for Powerful Putts

When it comes to disc golf putting, it’s not just about the motion of your arm and hand. Engaging your entire body can help generate power and improve the accuracy of your putts. By incorporating your legs, hips, and core into your putting technique, you can create a smooth and controlled motion that maximizes your throwing power.

Using your whole body in putting relies on proper body mechanics. Start by positioning your feet with a slight bend in the knees, ensuring a stable and balanced foundation. As you prepare for the putt, transfer your weight to your back leg, creating potential energy that can be released during the throw. As you initiate the putt, shift your weight forward, utilizing your legs, hips, and core to generate the power needed to propel the disc towards the basket.

“Engaging your whole body in putting allows for better weight transfer and increased power.”

By engaging your whole body in disc golf putting, you can achieve greater distance and accuracy. Practice incorporating your legs, hips, and core into your putting technique to develop a smooth and powerful motion. As you become more comfortable with this approach, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall putting performance.

Benefits of Engaging Your Whole Body in PuttingHow to Incorporate Your Whole Body in Putting
1. Increased power1. Position your feet with a slight bend in the knees
2. Improved accuracy2. Transfer weight to your back leg before initiating the putt
3. Better weight transfer3. Shift your weight forward, utilizing your legs, hips, and core
4. Enhanced distance4. Practice incorporating your whole body into your putting technique

Engaging Your Whole Body for Consistent Putts

Engaging your whole body in disc golf putting is a key factor in achieving consistent putts. By harnessing the power of your legs, hips, and core, you can develop a repeatable and efficient putting motion. Remember to maintain a stable and balanced foundation by positioning your feet with a slight bend in the knees. As you practice incorporating your whole body into your putting technique, you’ll notice an improvement in both power and accuracy.

Practice Makes Perfect: Developing Your Putting Routine

Consistent practice is the key to becoming a proficient disc golf putter. By dedicating regular practice sessions to refining your putting technique, you can improve your consistency and accuracy on the course. Developing a putting routine is an effective way to structure your practice and develop muscle memory for successful putts.

When designing your putting routine, consider incorporating elements such as visualization, deep breathing, and pre-shot rituals. Visualize successful putts before each attempt to increase confidence and focus. Take deep breaths to calm your mind and body, promoting a relaxed state for optimal performance. Incorporate pre-shot rituals, such as a specific routine for gripping and addressing the disc, to create a sense of consistency and familiarity.

Consistency in practice is essential. Set aside dedicated time each week to focus solely on your putting. Whether it’s practicing in your backyard, at a local disc golf course, or even in your living room using a portable basket, consistent practice will pay off in the long run. During practice sessions, vary the distance and angles of your putts to challenge yourself and replicate real game scenarios.

Remember, developing your putting routine is a personal process. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. The more you practice and refine your routine, the more comfortable and confident you will become in your putting abilities. So, lace up your shoes, grab your putter, and start honing your skills through consistent and focused practice sessions.

Table: Putting Practice Drill Ideas

Circle PuttingCreate a circle of cones or markers around the basket at varying distances. Start from a designated spot and attempt to make putts from each position before moving to the next. This drill helps improve accuracy and consistency under pressure.
Distance PuttingSet up a series of markers at different distances from the basket. Start with shorter putts and gradually increase the distance as you become more comfortable. This drill helps develop your feel and control for putts of varying lengths.
Putting ObstaclesPlace obstacles, such as trees or bushes, between your putting position and the basket. Practice navigating around these obstacles while maintaining accuracy and control. This drill enhances your ability to adapt to challenging on-course situations.
Emphasis on Follow-ThroughFocus on finishing your putting motion with a smooth and extended follow-through. Practice putting with the intention of maintaining a consistent finish. This drill promotes better weight transfer and helps generate more power and accuracy.

Plan Your Putt with Environmental Factors in Mind

When it comes to disc golf putting, considering the environmental factors can greatly impact your success rate. To ensure a well-executed putt, it’s important to evaluate and plan for obstacles, wind conditions, elevation changes, and potential hazards near the basket.

First, let’s discuss obstacles. Whether it’s trees, bushes, or other objects in your throwing path, it’s crucial to assess their presence and plan your putt accordingly. You may need to adjust your angle or power to avoid these obstacles and increase your chances of sinking the shot.

Next, take into account the influence of wind on your putt. Wind can significantly alter the flight path of your disc, so it’s essential to assess the direction and strength of the wind before making your putt. Choose a direction that minimizes the impact of the wind and maximizes your chances of a successful putt.

Elevation changes also play a role in your disc golf putting strategy. When faced with uphill or downhill putts, consider adjusting your power and angle to compensate for the change in terrain. Uphill putts may require additional power, while downhill putts may require less power to avoid overshooting the basket.

Environmental factors such as obstacles, wind conditions, and elevation changes should all be carefully evaluated and factored into your disc golf putting strategy.

Lastly, be mindful of any hazards near the basket that could come into play if your putt is missed. These hazards may include water, dense rough, or out-of-bounds areas. By planning your putt with these hazards in mind, you can minimize the risk of a costly second putt and increase your chances of success.

Remember, successful disc golf putting requires thoughtful consideration of the environmental factors at play. Take the time to evaluate obstacles, wind conditions, elevation changes, and hazards near the basket. By incorporating these factors into your putting strategy, you can make more informed decisions and improve your overall putting performance.

Environmental FactorsConsiderations
ObstaclesEvaluate presence and adjust angle or power accordingly
WindAssess direction and strength, choose a direction that minimizes impact
Elevation ChangesAdjust power and angle for uphill or downhill putts
HazardsBe mindful of potential hazards near the basket

Choose Your Line and Commit to Your Putt

When it comes to disc golf putting, selecting the right line is crucial for accuracy and success. Analyzing the trajectory of your putt based on obstacles and environmental factors will help you determine the optimal path to the basket. Consider the presence of trees, bushes, or other potential obstacles that may affect the flight of your disc. Additionally, evaluate the impact of wind conditions on your putt and choose your line accordingly.

Once you have chosen your line, it is essential to commit to your putt fully. Maintaining focus throughout your putting motion is key to consistent and accurate putts. Avoid second-guessing or adjusting your line mid-putt, as this can lead to inconsistency and missed opportunities. By staying committed and focused, you increase your chances of sinking the shot.

Remember, confidence plays a significant role in putting. Trust your line selection, trust your abilities, and trust the adjustments you have made based on the environmental factors. By choosing your line and committing to your putt, you set yourself up for success on the green.


Mastering the art of putting in disc golf requires a combination of technique, practice, and mental focus. By implementing the tips, techniques, and strategies outlined in this article, you can improve your putting game and ultimately enhance your overall disc golf performance. Experiment with different putting styles, grips, stances, and routines to find what works best for you. Dedicate regular practice sessions to refining your putting technique and implementing your routine. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a proficient and confident putter in disc golf.

Remember, putting is a fundamental aspect of disc golf, and effective putting can significantly impact your final score. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these insights will help you become a better putter and elevate your game. Focus on mastering your putting form, incorporating drills to enhance your skills, and strategizing for different environmental factors you may encounter on the course. Consistent practice and a positive mindset will lead to improvement and success.

So, go out there and practice your putting! Embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey of becoming a better putter. Remember, each putt is an opportunity to improve and grow. With patience, determination, and the right techniques, you can excel at disc golf putting and achieve your goals on the course. Here’s to sinking those putts and taking your disc golf game to new heights!


What is the “handshake” technique in disc golf putting?

The handshake technique emphasizes the correct finishing position of your hand after releasing the disc. To execute the handshake, keep your arm straight during the putt and finish by extending your hand towards the basket, as if you were shaking hands with it. This ensures a smooth follow-through and enhances accuracy.

How do I choose the right disc golf putter?

Choosing the right disc golf putter is crucial for achieving consistent and accurate putts. It is important to find a putter that feels comfortable in your hand and aligns with your preferred putting style. Experiment with different putter types and plastic blends to find the one that suits you best. Some popular putter options include the Innova Aviar, Westside Discs Harp, and Dynamic Discs Judge.

What are the popular putting stances in disc golf?

There are two popular stances used by professional disc golf players: the offset stance and the inline stance. The offset stance involves offsetting your feet, with one foot slightly behind and one foot in front. The front foot should be on the same side as your throwing arm. In the inline stance, your feet are aligned with each other, with a slight bend in the knees. Experiment with both stances to find the one that feels most comfortable and allows you to consistently execute your putts.

What are the different putting styles in disc golf?

There are three main putting styles in disc golf: the spin putt, the push putt, and the spush putt. The spin putt involves using wrist action and spin to propel the disc towards the basket. The push putt focuses on minimal spin and emphasizes a straight line throw using finger and hip flicking. The spush putt combines elements of both the spin and push putt, allowing players to find a hybrid style that works best for them.

How should I grip the disc when putting in disc golf?

The grip you use when putting is crucial for maintaining control and consistency. Place the disc in the heel of your hand, with your thumb on top and three or four fingers underneath. Experiment with finger placement on the rim to find the grip that feels the most secure and natural to you. Avoid gripping the disc too tightly, as it can impact accuracy and release.

How can I engage my whole body for powerful putts in disc golf?

Engaging your entire body can help generate power and improve the accuracy of your putts. Focus on using your legs, hips, and core to create a smooth and controlled putting motion. This will provide better weight transfer and help you generate more power with your throw.

How can I develop my putting skills in disc golf?

Consistent practice is essential for developing your putting skills. Establishing a putting routine can help you focus and develop muscle memory. Design a routine that works for you, incorporating elements such as visualization, deep breathing, and pre-shot rituals. Dedicate regular practice sessions to refining your putting technique and implementing your routine.

What environmental factors should I consider when putting in disc golf?

When planning your putt, consider various environmental factors that can affect your shot. Evaluate the presence of obstacles such as trees or bushes that may impede your throwing path. Assess the impact of wind on your putt and choose the best direction to putt based on wind conditions. Take into account any elevation changes that may affect the power and angle of your putt. Additionally, be mindful of any hazards near the basket that could impact your second putt if missed.

How do I choose the right line for my disc golf putt?

Selecting the right line for your putt is crucial for accuracy. Consider the trajectory and shape of your putt based on the obstacles and environmental factors present. Once you have chosen your line, commit to it fully and maintain focus throughout your putting motion. Avoid second-guessing or adjusting your line mid-putt, as this can lead to inconsistency and missed putts.

How can I become a proficient putter in disc golf?

Mastering the art of putting in disc golf requires a combination of technique, practice, and mental focus. By implementing the tips, techniques, and strategies outlined in this article, you can improve your putting game and ultimately enhance your overall disc golf performance. Remember to experiment with different putting styles, grips, stances, and routines to find what works best for you. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a proficient and confident putter in disc golf.

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  • Enzo S

    Welcome to Disc Flight Pro, your destination for expert disc golf insights. I'm Enzo S, a devoted disc golfer with a deep-rooted passion for the sport. My journey into the world of disc golf started in 2015, and over the years, I've honed my skills and knowledge. I'm here to share my experience and help you unlock your full disc golf potential.

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