Disc Golf in Colleges: Is It a Varsity Sport?

An aerial view of a college campus with a disc golf course in the center, surrounded by students playing and cheering.

Disc golf has become a popular recreational activity, enjoyed by people of all ages. But did you know that it has also made its way into college campuses?

That’s right, disc golf is not just a game played in parks or on weekends, it has become a significant part of the college sports scene.

So, is disc golf considered a college sport? Let’s dive into this intriguing question and discover how disc golf has found its place in higher education.

Key Takeaways:

  • Disc golf is not officially recognized as an NCAA-regulated sport.
  • However, many colleges and universities have established disc golf programs and clubs on their campuses.
  • The level of organization and recognition of disc golf can vary between institutions.
  • The rise of disc golf in universities can be attributed to the formation of competitive teams and the development of disc golf clubs.
  • Playing disc golf in a university setting offers numerous benefits to students.

Is Disc Golf A College Sport

While disc golf is not officially recognized as an NCAA-regulated sport, it has gained recognition and participation in many colleges and universities across the United States. College disc golf programs provide opportunities for students to compete in disc golf tournaments and represent their schools. However, the level of organization and recognition can vary between institutions.

College student s taking up a game of disc golf.

The Rise of Disc Golf in Universities

The rise of disc golf in universities can be attributed to the establishment of collegiate disc golf programs, the formation of competitive disc golf teams on campuses, and the development of disc golf clubs at colleges. These programs and clubs provide opportunities for students to engage in the sport, improve their skills, and compete against other colleges.

Collegiate disc golf programs have emerged as a response to the growing popularity of the sport among college students. These programs aim to provide a structured environment for students to participate in disc golf and represent their schools in competitive tournaments. By offering coaching, training facilities, and organized events, collegiate disc golf programs create a platform for students to excel in the sport.

In addition to collegiate disc golf programs, many universities have also formed competitive disc golf teams on campus. These teams consist of dedicated players who compete against other colleges in disc golf tournaments. By participating in these competitive events, students gain valuable experience, foster teamwork, and contribute to the overall recognition of disc golf as a legitimate college sport.

Furthermore, disc golf clubs at colleges play an integral role in promoting the sport and creating a sense of community among disc golf enthusiasts. These clubs offer opportunities for students of all skill levels to come together, practice, and share their passion for disc golf. Through club activities such as friendly competitions, skill-building workshops, and social events, students can forge lasting connections and foster a supportive disc golf community on campus.

A group of college students practicing disc golf on a course.

It is important to note that the recognition and support from the NCAA can vary for different institutions when it comes to disc golf. While some colleges may have robust resources and funding dedicated to their disc golf programs, others may face limitations due to varying levels of institutional backing. These factors can impact the overall development and competitiveness of collegiate disc golf programs.

Nevertheless, the rise of disc golf in universities showcases the sport’s growing appeal among college students. With the establishment of collegiate disc golf programs, the formation of competitive teams, and the presence of disc golf clubs at colleges, students are provided with avenues to pursue their passion for disc golf and represent their schools in the collegiate disc golf community.

Benefits of Disc Golf in Universities
Physical Activity: Engaging in disc golf provides students with a fun and active way to stay fit and maintain their overall well-being.
Skill Development: Disc golf offers students the opportunity to improve their throwing technique, strategizing abilities, and mental focus.
Community Building: By joining disc golf programs and clubs, students can connect with like-minded individuals, fostering friendships and a sense of community.
Representing Their School: Through collegiate disc golf programs and competitive teams, students can proudly represent their educational institutions in tournaments and events.


While disc golf may not be officially recognized as an NCAA sport, its presence in colleges and universities across the United States is on the rise. The establishment of collegiate disc golf programs, competitive teams, and clubs has provided students with valuable opportunities to participate in the sport and proudly represent their schools.

Playing disc golf in a university setting offers numerous benefits for students. Firstly, it promotes physical activity, encouraging students to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, disc golf is a sport that requires skill development, including precision, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking. These skills can translate into other areas of students’ lives, such as academics and future careers. Additionally, playing disc golf in a university setting allows students to connect with other disc golf enthusiasts, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

The future projections for disc golf in college sports look promising. As the sport continues to gain popularity among students, there is a potential for more recognition and support from the NCAA. This could lead to increased resources and funding for college disc golf programs, raising the overall profile and competitiveness of the sport in the collegiate athletic landscape.

In conclusion, while disc golf may not be an officially recognized NCAA sport, its impact on college athletics is undeniable. With the growth of collegiate disc golf programs and the benefits it offers to students, disc golf has the potential to become a prominent fixture in university settings. As more students discover the joy of disc golf, the sport’s influence in college sports is expected to continue to grow.

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  • Enzo S

    Welcome to Disc Flight Pro, your destination for expert disc golf insights. I'm Enzo S, a devoted disc golfer with a deep-rooted passion for the sport. My journey into the world of disc golf started in 2015, and over the years, I've honed my skills and knowledge. I'm here to share my experience and help you unlock your full disc golf potential.

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